IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Vorläufige Ausstellerliste 2025

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MEDIFUGE CGF | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2023


Blood Phase Separator
The medical device MEDIFUGE CGF allows for the use of up to 8 test tubes for the creation of CGF (fibrin);

A microprocessor control system allows for the maintaining of a constant speed;
The exception rotor system with self-ventilation protects the blood sample from heat exposure. The rotor-holding compartment, the lid and the test tube holders guarantee biological safety in terms of bio-containment, in the event of test tube breakage;
The test tube holders and rotor are built from thermal, antistatic material that is easy to clean, extract and sterilise in an autoclave at 135°;
MEDIFUGE CGF is equipped with a decontamination cycle with UVC reflected light;
Cycle duration 5 minutes at 1,000 revs;
The electronic control engine and its internal parts require no maintenance;
Noise levels fall below the standards required and do not exceed 57 dBa.
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio 35/37
Halle 11.2 | P018 R019