IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Vorläufige Ausstellerliste 2025

Sie wollen wissen welche Aussteller bei der IDS 2025 dabei sind? Dann stöbern Sie in der vorläufigen Ausstellerliste der Internationalen Dental-Schau.

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Aqua ToTo | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2023

Aqua ToTo

High-tech Laser for Dental Treatment (Er:YAG Laser)

1. Hard and soft tissues at the same time!
Aqua ToTo is amplified with explosive high energy by meeting 2940nm Er laser and water droplets, enabling surgery on both hard and soft tissues.

2. No Fiber, No Laser Power Loss
Aqua ToTo, which has a microscopic laser generator built into the handpiece, is a high-performance dental laser surgical device with no power loss because it does not use fiber.

3. Laser Power is Up and Maintenance is Cheap!
Aqua ToTo improves the reliability of the device by minimizing and simplifying the complex laser generator by applying innovative and original patented technology, and maintenance is lesser than the previous model.

4. The Most Advanced Handpiece
The laser output angle of 105 degrees, which is same as the handpiece, provides a comfortable and natural feeling of use, and the front end of the handpiece in contact with the treatment area is separated for complete sterilization.

5. Various Tips for Various Procedures
Various tips including chisel tips, ensure optimal dental treatment for almost any lesion. It is especially suitable for treating peri-implantitis.

6. Compact Appearance and User Friendliness
Its compact appearance provides comfortable use even in tight spaces between chairs, and the built-in spray unit makes it easy to move between chairs as well.

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08382 Seoul
Korea, Süd
Halle 4.1 | B030 D031