IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Orthodontic Automatic Strips (IPR System) | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2023

Orthodontic Automatic Strips (IPR System)

Orthodontic Automatic Strips (IPR System)

During orthodontic or prosthesis treatment, you might have to make extra space between the teeth. Our Automatic Strips are the best solution for that situation. When these strips are used with a hand-piece, it will noticeably reduce the chair-time compared to hand-strips. These strips will work on cases such as making space for crowding anterior, rotation, protruded anterior and etc. These strips work more efficiently on non-extraction treatment and clear aligners.


● Diamond coating on the blades are strong with abrasion, uniquely designed holes on the blades help to filter out foreign substances well when stripping.

● Locking Tapered type would easy strips to insert and separate from hand-piece.

● Body and the blade are fixed superbly.

● Easy to identify the size by laser-marking.

- Made In Korea
560 Dunchondae-Ro, Jungwon-Gu #612
13230 Seongnam
Korea, Süd
Halle 3.2 | C070