IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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IUXTA 3D | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2023


IUXTA-3D subperiosteal implant represents a real innovation in the solutions
for maxilla and mandibolar severe atrophy. Through a totally digital workflow,
starting with the patient’s exams, specialist can perform an accurate project,
custom made for the individual needs of the patient.
Thanks to over 20 years of experience in dental implants, and to many
documented clinical cases, we update IUXTA-3D subperiosteal implants:
from now they are offered for screw-retained protocol,
allowing to obtain appropriate and reliable prosthetic solutions.
A revolution in iuxta-osseous medical devices, that takes full advantage on
the quality and precision of digital methods, by supporting them with the best
manufacturing technology.
It is possibile to perform any kind of rehabilitations:
from small edentulism to full arches, for mandibular or maxilla.
Via Industria 53
Halle 4.1 | D088 E089