IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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23L Pro Sterilizer | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2023

23L Pro Sterilizer

Pro Q60B, the larger sterilization chamber (47cm, volume 24L), with a load up to 9 kg.It is an ideal solution to meet the increasing sterilization needs of an active practice.

This fully automatic, B Class features a superior German vacuum pump coupled with a 100% Stainless Steel Steam Generator and provides the heavy-duty internal components necessary to meet the latest EU Standards.


Pro Q60B can not only efficiently meet the daily sterilization needs of clinics, but also be used for rapid turnover of instru- ments. Quick S program (1KG load) sterilization runs for 15 minutes (excluding drying), which is suitable for the rapid turnover of high-speed handpieces, orthodontic tools, handle of scalers.

Log Record,the system can store 30,000 sterilization records which can be exported through a memory stick and the historical records can be referred by date. Each sterilization record can be directly browsed on the screen, and a single record can also be reprinted.

Efficient,the sterilization speed is faster, and each sterilization cycle is 30% faster than the air-cooled 23L basic model.
Sternstr. 67
40479 Düsseldorf
Halle 11.2 | L071