IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Brand new No stress concept from GALIT | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2023

Brand new No stress concept from GALIT

No Stress Concept is an ergonomic and practical dental solution for a practice of various sizes.

Benefits for Dentists:

●            Save money as no service lines are required.
●            Easy to move between treatment rooms or locations.
●            Perfect fit for small treatment rooms.
●            Continued treatment without interruption for technical maintenance.
●            Can be tailor-made for specific treatments.

 Benefits for Patients:

●            Can be easily hidden to create a more patient friendly environment.
●            Designed with the highest ergonomic standards and the most advanced technologies to reduce noise and improve air quality. 

Benefits for Technicians:

●            The module system allows for simple and quick installation.
●            Technical assistance is available immediately.
●            Every service point is easily accessible. 

To find out more, please send us an email to or visit our website
15 Kvitnya, village Baikivtsi 6E
47711 Ternopil region
Halle 11.2 | S040 T041