IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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IsoDent Meadow Mouthwash | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2023

IsoDent Meadow Mouthwash

IsoDent Niitty is based on an old, guarded Eastern recipe, which we have added a new, active ingredients from modern Western dentistry, such as fluoride, xylitol and erythritol, which helps you prevent tooth caries.

Nature's own betaine works effectively against dryness of the mouth, helping to prevent the growth of oral fungus, tooth surface erosion and to prevent bad breath. Mouthwash refreshes the mouth for a long time without alcohol and is very pleasant to use.
Valtakatu H.D. 4.D 7
96100 Rovaniemi
Halle 5.2 | D039