IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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B&L GP Gauge & Cutter | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2023

B&L GP Gauge & Cutter

2-in-1 System with Gauging and Cutting of GP cone
· Able to measure the diameter of the GP cone and cut it to the ISO
- specified size as desired

Accurate Gauging and Clean Cutting
· Corrects inaccurate size of commercial GP cones that allow errors
· Cuts GP cones cleanly and without irregularities
· Contributes to apical sealing using the master cone of accurate diameter
3959 Pender Dr
Fairfax ,VA 22030-6041
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Halle 4.2 | K049